Friday, July 9, 2010

Being Spontaneous

Yesterday we had planned to go to Waterton with some friends but sadly due to sickness (with one of their kids) we decided not to go.  With 4 disappointed girls on my hands I had to think quickly.  Since I already had a picnic lunch packed I thought it would be a fun surprise to load the girls up and take off to Claresholm to surprise Richard with a picnic lunch.  It's an hour and 10 minutes to Richard's work so surprising him with lunch isn't something that happens often.

The girls were very impressed with my lying skills to Richard (not sure that's such a great thing to impress them with), he believed we were on our way to Waterton when I called him on my cell phone.  I had made up a story about him needing to meet someone at the 7Eleven in Claresholm to pick something up and bring it back to Raymond to get him to come out of the hospital.  For those of you who don't know, Richard is a psychologist at the Addictions and Mental Health Hospital in Claresholm so I really didn't want to have to take all the girls inside to meet him, it's not a great place for kids!  It worked!  He promptly came out at the arranged time and there we were in the van ready to whisk him off for a wonderful picnic!  

My Aunt Lynette had told us that there was a spray park in Claresholm (who knew?) so we headed there.  We ate our picnic and then spent the afternoon enjoying the 30 degree weather.  

1 comment:

  1. Oh my heck... the story about Rylee has me just about peeing my pants!!!

    You are sneaky! But glad you were able to still do something fun with your day!
