Friday, July 2, 2010

Am I a Not so Thrifty Mom?

So the other day I decided to go through some of my girls stuff and came across a butt load of jeans all sizes 4 & 5 (5 good pairs and 3 holy pairs in total).  Rylee is 5 & Keira is 6 but they both wear size 6 pants, however just in the length (Rylee can still fit 12-18 month pants as shorts).  My first instinct was to put all the good pairs away in a box for Aylish who is currently 2 1/2, they were all in excellent shape with little wear and tear to them.   However, today I walked passed them, picked them all up and in a moment of....I dunno what to call it, cut all eight pairs off into shorts.  Is that being un-thrifty?  Should I have saved the 5 good ones and only cut off the 3 with holes in the knees?  Should I even care or be second guessing my decision.....what do you think?  Surely shorts are better than pants anyway - - - right?  Besides, shorts take up less space in boxes.....I was only thinking practically, moving day is not far off.


  1. Umm... Lisa you did ALL 8?? You crack me up, well good thing Aylish is only 2 1/2 so HOPEFULLY she has a few years till she needs them.

  2. I would blame it on the pregnancy brain - still thrifty though because at least you saved them in the first place!
