Thursday, November 4, 2010

Girls, girls, girls

Yeah, we got a lot of them in this house, all different but all good.  This week we've had lots of fun - all except poor Keira who's had a sore throat.  I happen to come across this video she took at some point this week (I can barely understand her in it).  It makes me laugh when I watch it.  She was not impressed that she had to miss school and spent the week being utterly B.O.R.E.D!  Luckily she is feeling better today after a 2nd trip to the Doctors to get a prescription....yay for drugs!!!  

Changing the subject completely, but keeping to this week, I went on a date with Rylee.  Richard and I feel it's really important to let our girls spend time one on one with each of us.  I loved as a kid when it was my turn to go out with my mom or dad on a date and I wanted my kids to have the same awesome memories.  We have one Mommy/Daughter and one Daddy/Daughter date a month.   This month is Rylee's mommy date and Aylish's Daddy date.  I love taking the girls out for a bit of one on one time, it's a fabulous way to just let them know that you love them and just talk.  

Rylee and I went skating and then out for ice-cream.  The girls are all taking skating lessons and Rylee spends a lot of time on her butt (poor kid) so I thought she would benefit from some one on one skating time.  She had a brilliant time, and so did I.  You might not know this about Rylee but if you can get her talking - - - there's no stopping her (oh, and she now like ice-cream again)!

1 comment:

  1. LOLi like that "oh and she now likes icecream again" too funny!
