Sunday, March 21, 2010

Happy Birthday Keira!

It's funny to think back 6 years ago when Keira came into our lives. At the time I remember thinking that now I had a 'real' family. Somehow having 2 kids felt more like a family than just having one! Keira is a real sweetheart, always willing to help out and always having some intelligent explanation to give about things that outsmart me (not that that is all that hard). I remember when Keira was blessed as a tiny 3 week old baby Richard blessed her with a sense of humour. At the time I thought it was a really strange thing to bless a child with but I'm so glad he did. She has had to learn that it's ok to laugh, even at yourself sometimes. Don't get me wrong she is a VERY happy little girl, but she has a VERY serious side that sometimes gets in her way. I thank my Heavenly Father for continually blessing Keira and our family. We love her to bits.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Keria. I love talking to you, you always say something to make me smile!
