Today we got all the bikes out of the basement, oiled, tightened and fix any broken parts and went for the FIRST BIKE RIDE OF 2010 (k, so maybe Richard did all the fixing stuff but we all went on the bike ride)! It was so much fun. Keira who has just taught herself to ride a two wheeler this week rode like she's been riding forever~well except for maybe the one crash into the brick wall.....her pride would not let her show how much it must have really hurt - which was fine cause there were no tears. Go Keira Go!
After riding into town to pick up some batteries for the camera, we stopped at the school to play at the park where Richard chased the girls around pretty much the WHOLE time (he was the bad guy). We then rode on to the new house to check out the progress there. I love weekends when we can just hang out as a family. Tonight we're off to family swim in Lethbridge ~~~~FUN FUN FUN!!!!