Saturday, September 15, 2012

Lessons & Life

I'm sure all of you have people in your life that have shown you so much, sacrificed for you and loved you despite your many imperfections.  I too have someone in my life that I have learned many great lessons from and truly love - it's my Gramma.

Gramma hasn't had the best health throughout her life, and because of such hasn't always been able to do all the things other Gramma's might do, to me though that doesn't matter.  This much I know, no matter what, my grandma has been a big fan of mine and has done all that she can to be a part of my life,  for that I'm grateful.

Here's a list of 20 things I've learned in my 23 (+10) years of life from my gramma.

  1. "i" before "e" except after "c" (and any other exceptions the English language might have)
  2. never run through a sprinkler at the same time as your cousin with your eyes shut
  3. pippy longstockings is a well loved tale for any little girl
  4. all her grandkids are equal (except me, I really am her favourite)
  5. quilts, quilts, quilts.....I think I have about 20, I really am the favourite
  6. even the roughest of people are children of God
  7. ketchup can wash of seats
  8. ketchup can wash off windows
  9. ketchup can wash off carpet
  10. ketchup can wash out of hair & clothes
  11. laundry will never go away, be thankful you have a machine
  12. you can never have too much wheat in your storage
  13. canning in the oven is so modern and way easier
  14. butter and saltine crackers can sustain life for a day or two
  15. if you're still hungry after your crackers, you may add some cheese
  16. scraps of material can be turned into something beautiful
  17. salt on apples is quite tasty
  18. marriage is something that you have to work hard at every day of your life
  19. always plant a garden (I'm working on that one)
  20. you'd better let her know if you're ever performing in public

There are so many other great things that my gramma has taught, shown, and instilled in me - those are just a few.  I'm so thankful to my Heavenly Father for giving me a gramma that I know loves me and believes in me, a gramma so willing to wipe tears, offer support and love me no matter what I do.  

Thank you from the bottom of my heart Gramma!

I love you xxx

Gramma is on the right, Shannon's the skunk on the left.

1 comment:

  1. Lisa, I love your gramma also! She was such a great missionary and friend. She is a great example of hard work, friendship, overcoming trials. I am so happy to know her. I am grateful she was part of my missionary experience.
