Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Faith of a little child

This is Rylee, she's pretty cute, we know - she's already promised to a cute boy in town so you can only dream she'll join your family.

Don't worry though, I have more cute girls (pics available upon request)

K, back to Rylee.  So last week Rylee went to the pool with her 2 older sisters for the first time on their own this summer.  They were pretty excited and rode their bikes into the sunshine heading south to the pool (southeast actually).  

Anyway, I get a phone call just before they were to come home from the pool.  It was Shannon.  She sounded very worried, I was concerned at the tone of her voice and then she came out with it "Mom, Rylee's lost her glasses".  My first thought was thankfulness that nobody was hurt (should have kept that thought for longer) and then I quickly turned my thoughts to the $300 pair of glasses that were missing.

I headed to the pool (riding my bike into the sunshine heading south).  We searched.  Outside, inside, the lockers, the bathrooms, the changerooms, the showers (no I wasn't perving - though I did look under a few curtains),  even the garbage full of diapers, they were gone.  We checked the lost and found, nothing.  We left the pool without them.  It bothered me pretty much the whole night, if only I had been a bit more like my little girl.

That night, Rylee came and got me as she was going to bed and asked for some help.  She said she wanted to say a prayer to Heavenly Father to help her find her glasses.  It was a simple &  sweet heartfelt prayer.

"Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for letting me have glasses so I can see.  Please help me to find them"

That was it, usually we encourage them to say at least 5 thank yous before they ask for blessings but tonight, this prayer is what was needed.  With tears in both our eyes, I gave her a hug and tucked her into bed.

8am the next morning the phone rings - - it's the pool - - 
they found her glasses.  

I was relieved.  She was sooooo excited (and a better person than me) she promptly got on her knees to thank her Father in Heaven for his help - what an example.

Thanks Rylee for being an example to me.  Love you xx

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